As they sprinted through the dark and damp subway tunnel, with the only sound being their heavy breathing and the echo of their footsteps, P&J stumbled upon a faint light in the distance. As they drew near, they noticed a vintage poster welcoming foreigners to NY, seemingly out of place in the abandoned tunnel. But it was the tiny symbol in the corner that caught P's keen eye - the same intersecting C/L symbol from the original map stolen by The Order.

J's curiosity bested him, he pushed the symbol, revealing a hidden compartment containing a key. P&J exchanged a confused look, unsure what to do next. They remembered the medallion. Using it as a lens they scanned the tunnel, and revealed an entryway . With the key, they unlocked the door and entered. Finding themselves in a vast hall filled with statues and dusty books, a long table at the center and a huge banner with the Custodis Lucis logo hung on the wall.

As they searched the deserted space, they wondered about J. Strauss’ whereabouts, it’s clear no one has been in this room for a while? The place was completely still and a dead silence overwhelmed the enormous hall. Suddenly, a deep voice boomed from the shadows, "Sofia sent you, I'm whom you seek. Fear not." The brothers froze, feeling trapped with no possible escape. Was this J. Strauss or an agent of The Order? Their hearts pounded with uncertainty as the shadowy man closed in.

Manuel Guillen