With the map still etched in their minds, they raced to recreate every detail, from the faint ink stains to the enigmatic symbol of an intersecting C & L. J's photographic memory proved invaluable. Dr. Patel made a shocking revelation, a secret society: the Custodis Lucis or Keeper of the Light, had sworn to protect the artifact and its power. But with the map in The Order's hands, the Keepers' centuries-long vigilance is under threat.

Sophia's urgency grew, she entrusted them with a glass medallion & an old subway map, together they point to the Keepers' hidden lair deep in the old NY tunnels. There they must seek J. Strauss. As they ventured into the subway, their unease grew, the train ride seemed an eternity and their minds raced wondering who they could trust? Dr. Patel's knowledge of the Custodis Lucis raised more questions than answers. Was she a guardian or a gatekeeper? A friend or foe?

With the subway map as their guide and the medallion to pin point the lair’s exact location, they navigated the treacherous labyrinth of the abandoned NY tunnels, their hearts pounding in unison. Jason Strauss held the key to unraveling the mystery - but would they reach him before The Order catches up?

Manuel Guillen