P&J, still reeling from the terrifying encounter with the trench coat man, know they're in a race against time. The Order's agents will stop at nothing to prevent them from succeeding, and the chimps must decipher the map to uncover the secrets of the mysterious device. Their only hope lies with Dr. Sophia Patel, a brilliant archaeologist at the Met. She's a friend of their mom who, some years back, made a strange unannounced stay with them.

With hands sweating, they venture into the Met, constantly looking over their shoulders for signs of danger. The museum's backrooms hold secrets of their own, and Dr. Patel's knowledge may be the key to unlocking the truth. But as they delve deeper, they realize they're not alone. The Order's agents are closing in, the brothers must use all their wits to stay one step ahead. A sudden, deafening crash echoes through the lab, all three of them rush to investigate.

When they return, the map is gone, replaced by a chilling warning in the form of a note: "Desist from your quest or face the consequences." The game has changed, and the stakes are higher than ever. The Order has stolen the map. Should they attempt to retrieve the parchment or venture on with out it? The race to uncover the truth has begun, and the fate of humanity hangs in the balance. P&J decide to navigate this treacherous web of secrets and lies, guided solely by their memory.

Manuel Guillen