P&J approached the church with caution. The imposing structure loomed before them, its spires reaching towards the sky like skeletal fingers. As they burst through the doors, the cavernous interior swallowed them whole. Dust-covered pews stretched out like a maze, and the massive organ loomed in the shadows. Their footsteps echoed through the hall as they moved forward, their eyes scanning the darkness for any sign of the Cor Lucis.

Suddenly, a faint hum filled the air, growing louder with each step. Nervously they wondered. "What is that?" Time was running out. They had to find the device before The Order. Strauss's warning echoed in their minds: "They'll stop at nothing to get it." As they ventured deeper into the church, the hum grew louder, leading them to the altar. P accidentally push the ivory table reveling a chamber beneath, their hearts skipped a beat as they saw it - the Cor Lucis, finally!

Their triumph was cut short, the agents stormed into the temple. "Thanks for retrieving the device," one of them sneered, snatching it from P's grasp. The brothers were subdued and thrown into a truck. As they sped down a deserted highway, P&J knew that jumping from the vehicle would be easy but doing it with the Cor Lucis was another matter. They had to wait until they reached their destination to find a way to retrieve the artifact and obtain their freedom.

Manuel Guillen