Luna assembled her team with urgency said: "We need to crack this drive, It holds the location of a deadly device. We must find and destroy it.” Everyone launched into action, their fingers flying across keyboards as they employed every trick in the book. Hours ticked by, tension building with each failed attempt. But they refused to give up. Finally, a triumphant cry echoed through the room. "I'm in!" The codehead's voice trembled with excitement.

Luna rushed over to scan the data streaming in the screen. P&J crowded around, their chest pounding with anticipation. Suddenly Luna Pointed: "Here. The Cor Lucis is hidden in NY, but, it’s not just a relic, it also posses time travel and multidimensional properties.”While they still rejoiced, their celebration was short-lived. Unknowingly as they cracked the disk, it sent a GPS signal traced by the Order. Perimetric alarms blazed, agents breached the room, all seemed lost.

Luna pointed to a secret exit in the floor. "Go, now!" The brothers grabbed what they could, but the drive was left behind. Luna locked her eyes onto the disk and said: "I'll destroy it, and divert them from following you.” With a nod, P&J escaped through a duct, the sound of chaos echoed behind them. The data revealed, the Cor Lucis was hidden in an abandoned church in the Upper East Side. P&J raced towards the deserted temple, ready to face whatever challenge lays ahead.

Manuel Guillen