P&J's nerves tightened as they face uncertainty. They arrived to their destination, a mansion in the middle of nowhere, surrounded by The Order's agents. The brothers exchanged a nervous glance, as they were led through the opulent halls. They finally came face to face with the head of The Order Dr. Vex. "Welcome," he said, his voice dripping with malice. "I've been expecting you. Know that I will rule the world with the Cor Lucis in my hand. Thanks to you both.”

But before they could process it all, a familiar figure emerged from the shadows, Luna. Her eyes locked onto theirs, a sly smile spreading across her face. "Surprise!" she said. “Vex and I have been looking for that drive for a long time, and suddenly, you appear and dropped it into my hands, like a birthday gift.” P&J's eyes widened in shock, their minds reeling with betrayal. "Why?" the brothers asked in unison. Luna shrugged. “Power! Vex promised me a chunk of it.”

They laughed, their eyes gleaming with triumph. "She has been a valuable asset. With this device, nothing can stop us.” The brothers' hopes dwindled. Trapped, at the mercy of a ruthless organization, with no escape in sight. As they were being locked up in a cell underneath the foundations, J snatched a keycard from one of their captors. P&J exchanged a hopeful glance, but they know they need to find a way to escape with the artifact, stop Dr. Vex, and save the world.

Manuel Guillen