After a quick shower, the two brothers dive headfirst into their NY bucket list, racing against time to hit all the iconic spots. As the sun sets over the concrete jungle, P's eyes gleam with excitement as he saves the best for last: a mysterious, vintage book store. A bookworm at heart, he's drawn to the classics like a magnet.

The Chimps burst into Bauer's Rare Books near Chelsea, their curiosity piqued. As they explore the dusty shelves, J's eagerness gets the better of him, and he accidentally knocks over a book while reaching for a rare volume. In a panic, he tries to replace it before Mr. Bauer notices, but instead, he uncovers a hidden map tucked away in the shelf. The yellowed parchment reveals a cryptic path to an ancient artifact with the power to reshape humanity's destiny.

But, a chilling warning is scrawled on the map: "Beware, seekers! The secret brotherhood of 'The Order' has sworn for centuries to claim this artifact and wield its power to enslave the world. If you succeed in your quest, destroy this wicked device before it's too late... or risk the ruin of all."P & J exchange glances as their hearts race with anticipation. Should they brave the treacherous path and face the sinister forces of 'The Order' to save humanity?


Manuel Guillen