P&J ran through the crowded streets, they had evaded the agents but they knew it was only a matter of time before they caught up again, their only hope was finding Luna. They burst into the dimly lit internet cafe, a haven for cyberpunks and malefactors. P's fingers flew across the keyboard as he navigated the dark web, J's eyes scanning the room for any signs of danger. They knew they had to be careful, one wrong move could mean capture, or worse!

Their plan was risky, but they had no other choice. They created a fake challenge, taunting Luna with a job offer that seemed undoable: "Impossible task, not even Luna can accomplish" read the title. They waited anxiously for a response, their nerves on edge. Hours ticked by, and just when they thought they'd failed, a message popped up on the screen. "You talk the talk, can you walk the walk?" Luna's response was brief and direct, they knew they had her attention.

Without thinking, they set up a meeting spot at G.C.T. A public place where they could blend in. They knew the risks were high, Luna could be spooked by The Order, or worse, be working with them. They had no choice trusting her was the only option. As they made their way to Grand Central, they couldn't shake the feeling that they were walking into a trap, this sensation sent shivers down their spines. But they know that the fate of humanity depends on this meeting.


Manuel Guillen