As they sped through the city streets, P&J's minds raced with questions. Luna's betrayal of Dr. Vex had saved them, but why? Suddenly, her expression turned serious, her voice deepened. "My name is Agent Rachel Lee, I work for the International Security Agency - the ISA. We've been tracking The Order for years.”

P&J's' eyes widened in shock. "The consortium was funded by the ISA to find the Cor Lucis", suddenly, her face turned grim. "But I suspect there's a mole within the ISA, feeding information to Vex. Now that we have the artifact, we can't risk contacting them." P&J exchanged a nervous glance. They were unsure who to trust. "We need help," Lee said, P suggested finding Jason Strauss and the Custodes Lucis, but J reminded P that Strauss might have been caught by The Order.

Dr. Patel's name emerged as a beacon of hope. They decided to seek her out at the Met, hoping she could lead them to the Keepers of the Light or know Strauss's whereabouts. As they wait for Dr. Patel at her workstation, their anxiety grew, agent Lee’s betrayal still lingered in their minds. They know this journey is far from over, and the burden is only getting heavier.


Manuel Guillen